Country: Peru

People Groups


People Groups Unreached

14 (13.5%)

People Groups Unreached Frontier

4 (3.8%)



Population in Unreached

219,000 (0.6%)

Population in Unreached Frontier

1,600 (0.0%)

% Evangelical


Progress Level

Progress Gauge
Map Notes

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Photo People Group Population
this Ctry
Indigenous Primary Language Primary
% Christian
% Evangelical Needed
 Quechua, Northern Conchucos Ancash 322,000 322,000 1 Quechua, Northern Conchucos Christianity 95.00 % 4.00 % -
Quechua, Pacaroas 1,600 1,600 1 Quechua, Pacaraos Christianity 92.00 % 5.00 % -
 Quechua, Pachitea 64,000 64,000 1 Quechua, Panao Christianity 90.00 % 2.00 % -
Quechua, Pasco-Yanahuanca 50,000 50,000 1 Quechua, Chaupihuaranga Christianity 91.00 % 0.60 % -
 Quechua, Puno 645,000 645,000 1 Quechua, Puno Christianity 96.00 % 2.00 % -
 Quechua, San Martin 59,000 59,000 1 Quechua, San Martin Christianity 70.00 % 3.00 % -
Quechua, Sihuas Ancash 8,400 8,400 1 Quechua, Sihuas Ancash Christianity 95.00 % 2.60 % -
 Quechua, Southern Conchucos Ancash 343,000 343,000 1 Quechua, Southern Conchucos Christianity 95.00 % 0.60 % -
 Quechua, Southern Huancayo 322,000 322,000 1 Quechua, Huaylla Wanca Christianity 92.00 % 0.80 % -
Quechua, Southern Pastaza 2,100 2,100 1 Quechua, Southern Pastaza Christianity 90.00 % 1.00 % -
 Quechua, Yauyos 8,300 8,300 1 Quechua, Yauyos Christianity 91.00 % 0.80 % -
 Quichua, Lowland Napo 12,000 34,000 3 Quichua, Napo Christianity 99.00 % 3.00 % -
 Quichua, Northern Pastaza 2,400 13,000 2 Quichua, Northern Pastaza Christianity 99.00 % 2.00 % -
 Romani, Calo 10,000 951,000 7 Calo Christianity 70.00 % 5.00 % -
 Russian 1,700 136,151,000 70 Russian Christianity 67.00 % 1.20 % -
 Secoya, Angotero 1,000 2,000 2 Paicoca Ethnic Religions 10.00 % 0.00 % -
 Sharanahua 600 1,200 2 Sharanahua Christianity 70.00 % 10.00 % -
 Shipibol 33,000 33,000 1 Shipibo-Conibo Christianity 65.00 % 2.00 % -
Spanish, Loreto-Ucayali 3,400 3,400 1 Spanish, Charapa Christianity 95.00 % 0.50 % -
 Ticuna 11,000 65,000 3 Ticuna Christianity 90.00 % 1.00 % -
 Urarina, Shimacu 3,900 3,900 1 Urarina Ethnic Religions 9.00 % 1.40 % -
 Wampis 12,000 12,000 1 Wampis Ethnic Religions 7.00 % 6.00 % -
 Yagua 8,000 9,000 2 Yagua Ethnic Religions 15.00 % 8.00 % -
 Yaminahua 1,000 2,700 3 Yaminahua Ethnic Religions 2.00 % 1.70 % 1
Yaminahua, Chitonajuas 300 300 1 Yaminahua Ethnic Religions ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
  Totals:  104 34,610,000           4 ☀︎  14 94.06 % 14.41 % 16 
  Unclassified / Other Individuals 73,000                  
  UN Country Population (2024) 34,683,000                  

Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Province Estimated
Amazonas 470,000
Ancash 1,329,000
Apurímac 505,000
Arequipa 1,441,000
Ayacucho 765,000
Cajamarca 1,736,000
Callao 1,097,000
Cusco 1,465,000
Huancavelica 569,000
Huánuco 953,000
Ica 890,000
Junín 1,532,000
La Libertad 2,022,000
Lambayeque 1,392,000
Lima 1,049,000
Lima Province 9,513,000
Loreto 1,116,000
Madre de Dios 138,000
Moquegua 203,000
Pasco 350,000
Piura 2,096,000
Puno 1,586,000
San Martín 912,000
Tacna 361,000
Tumbes 250,000
Ucayali 540,000
Provinces:  26 34,280,000
UN Country Population 34,683,000
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Language Code # Peoples
w/ this Primary
# Unreached
w/ this Primary
Faith Comes
By Hearing
Bible Resources
Jesus Film
Achuar-Shiwiar acu 1 0 New Testament
Ajyininka Apurucayali cpc 1 0 New Testament
Amahuaca amc 1 1 Bible Portions
Amarakaeri amr 1 1 New Testament
Arabela arl 1 0 New Testament
Ashaninka cni 1 0 New Testament
Asheninka, Pajonal cjo 1 1 New Testament
Asheninka, Perene prq 1 0 New Testament
Asheninka, Pichis cpu 1 0 New Testament
Asheninka, South Ucayali cpy 1 1 New Testament
Asheninka, Ucayali-Yurua cpb 1 1 New Testament
Awajun agr 1 0 New Testament
Aymara, Central ayr 1 0 Complete Bible
Aymara, Southern ayc 1 0 Bible Portions
Bora boa 1 0 New Testament
Calo rmq 1 0 Bible Portions
Capanahua kaq 1 0 New Testament
Caquinte cot 1 0 New Testament
Chinese, Yue yue 1 0 Complete Bible
English eng 2 0 Complete Bible
Ese Ejja ese 1 0 New Testament
German, Standard deu 1 0 Complete Bible
Greek ell 1 0 Complete Bible
Huachipaeri hug 1 0 Bible Portions
Huamalíes-Dos de Mayo Quechua qvh 1 0 Complete Bible
Iquitu iqu 1 1 Bible Portions
Japanese jpn 1 1 Complete Bible
Jaqaru jqr 1 0 Unspecified
Jebero jeb 1 0 Bible Portions
Kakataibo-Kashibo cbr 1 0 New Testament
Kandozi-Chapra cbu 1 0 New Testament
Kashinawa cbs 1 0 New Testament
Kukama-Kukamiria cod 1 0 Bible Portions
Kulina cul 1 0 New Testament
Maijuna ore 1 0 Bible Portions
Mashco Piro cuj 1 1 Translation Needed
Matses mcf 1 1 New Testament
Matsigenka mcb 1 0 New Testament
Nanti cox 1 1 Bible Portions
Nomatsigenga not 1 0 New Testament
Ocaina oca 1 0 Bible Portions
Paicoca sey 1 0 New Testament
Peruvian Sign Language prl 1 0 Bible Portions
Pisabo pig 1 1 Unspecified
Quechua, Ambo-Pasco qva 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, Arequipa-La Union qxu 1 0 Bible Portions
Quechua, Ayacucho quy 1 0 Complete Bible
Quechua, Cajamarca qvc 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, Cajatambo North Lima qvl 1 0 Unspecified
Quechua, Chachapoyas quk 1 0 Unspecified
Quechua, Chaupihuaranga qur 1 0 Translation Started
Quechua, Chincha qxc 1 0 Unspecified
Quechua, Chiquian qxa 1 0 Bible Portions
Quechua, Corongo Ancash qwa 1 0 Bible Portions
Quechua, Cusco quz 1 0 Complete Bible
Quechua, Eastern Apurimac qve 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, Huallaga qub 1 0 Complete Bible
Quechua, Huaylas Ancash qwh 1 0 Complete Bible
Quechua, Huaylla Wanca qvw 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, Jauja Wanca qxw 1 0 Unspecified
Quechua, Lambayeque quf 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, Margos-Yarowilca-Lauricocha qvm 1 0 Complete Bible
Quechua, North Junin qvn 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, Northern Conchucos qxn 1 0 Complete Bible
Quechua, Pacaraos qvp 1 0 Unspecified
Quechua, Panao qxh 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, Puno qxp 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, San Martin qvs 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, Santa Ana de Tusi Pasco qxt 1 0 Translation Started
Quechua, Sihuas Ancash qws 1 0 Bible Portions
Quechua, Southern Conchucos qxo 1 0 Complete Bible
Quechua, Southern Pastaza qup 1 0 New Testament
Quechua, Yauyos qux 1 0 Unspecified
Quichua, Napo qvo 1 0 New Testament
Quichua, Northern Pastaza qvz 1 0 New Testament
Russian rus 1 0 Complete Bible
Sharanahua mcd 1 0 New Testament
Shawi cbt 1 0 New Testament
Shipibo-Conibo shp 2 0 New Testament
Spanish spa 10 1 Complete Bible
Spanish, Charapa spq 1 0 Unspecified
Ticuna tca 1 0 Complete Bible
Urarina ura 1 0 New Testament
Wampis hub 1 0 New Testament
Witoto, Murui huu 1 0 New Testament
Witoto, Nipode hux 1 0 Bible Portions
Yagua yad 1 0 New Testament
Yaminahua yaa 3 2 New Testament
Yanesha ame 1 0 New Testament
Yine pib 1 0 New Testament
Yura mts 1 0 Bible Portions
Totals: 91 104 14   65 63 46 61 8
Networking Possibilities

Search the Web
There are many agencies and churches looking for additional staff to help them in their mission and calling in Peru. Internet searches are probably the best way to find these organizations. The following are some example search topics you might try:

  • Church planting agencies in Peru
  • Christian ministry in Peru
  • Business as mission
  • Christian literature distribution
  • Evangelism agencies
  • Christian discipleship
  • Short term Christian missions
  • Long term Christian missions
  • Urban ministries
  • Christian media opportunities
  • Bible translation opportunities
  • Relief and development agencies
  • Clean water projects
  • Christian medical outreaches

Peru Statistics
People Groups 104
Unreached People Groups 14  (13.5%)
Population 34,610,000
Population Annual Growth Rate 1.2%
Population in Unreached 219,000  (0.6%)
Primary Religion Christianity
Percent Christian Adherent 94.1%
Percent Evangelical 14.4%
Pioneer Workers Needed * 16
Country Progress Level 5
Urbanization 78%
Continent South America
Region America, Latin
10/40 Window No
Country Code PE
Official Language(s) SpanishQuechua, South Bolivian
Literacy Rate 94%
Estimated Illiterate Population 2,077,000
Persecution Ranking Not ranked